Development of Real-Time Stretching Promoting and Posture Improvement Support System in VDT work

SHAO BOCHAO, Development of Real-Time Stretching Promoting and Posture Improvement Support System in VDT work, 筑波大学, 2023,

情報学学位プログラム 2022年度 修士論文。


Nowadays, during the COVID-19 global pandemic, studying online and teleworking have become a “New Normal.” With the increased Visual Display Terminals (VDTs) usage, including long-time sitting desk work, remote meetings, and online education, many negative effects are beginning to emerge. The risk of significant discomfort and potentially more severe musculoskeletal disorders may result from poor static postures.
To relieve VDT symptoms, appropriate sitting posture, intermittent microbreaks, and stretching were found to be effective. In this study, a real-time stretching promoting and dynamic sitting posture improvement support system was proposed. The system provides personalized posture improvement suggestions with a designed, easy-to-interact, low cognitive burden human-computer interaction (HCI) mechanism and user interface (UI). Also, to promote, recognize, and respond to the user’s stretching movements timely to mitigate the adverse effects of VDT work, this study designed and accomplished a neural network and a recognization model for stretching movement was trained with an overall accuracy of 95%.
Meanwhile, this study designed and implemented user experiments and questionnaires for 16 participants, obtaining a series of constructive feedback on system functionality improvements and user experience. Overall, the real-time stretching promoting and dynamic sitting posture improvement support system has shown promise in mitigating the negative effects of VDT work according to the user response and feedback in the questionnaire.